Hi all my handbags and lipsticks! How are you today? Well, today is very speacial for me. Wanna know why? Another website has looked at mine and might put mine as a link on theirs! They have an amazing site and I would love it if you went to there. But, here is some advice.... Do you know the what they say "Popular Kids"? Well, I think that everyone is speacial! Everyone has friends, family, and so on that live them! So next tune you see a crowd of people talking and laughing, don't care.... Just remember this, your popular, don't believe me? Popular does not mean having friends and sleep overs. It means having friends that really care for you....


Take this quiz to find out....

1. What do you love the most?

A. Lipstick

B. purse

C. Sports

D. Nothing above

2. Do you play sports?

A. Yes! All sports rock!

B. does shopping count?

C. Sometimes

D. Ew! I hate sports!!

3. How do you spend your day?

A. Shopping!

B. playing video games

C. Doing my nails

D. Playing outside

4. Are you popular?

A. Yes! My phone is always buzzing!

B. I have a few friends

C. I am a lone wolf!

D. 1 best friend

Comment your answers bellow and I will tell you who you are! 👍


Hi! Has anyone been on a cruise? Been to a different country? Done something that is different then going to the beach? Well, as we get older, we forget how much fun we have had in the past. So next time you say "I just went to the beach..." Think about more stuff you have done, the beach is awesome, but you have I live life to he fullest and do the things YOU want to! Every one also go check out my BFF's new website!


Hello everyone! It's me, Girly Girl. Have any of you been scared or you friend, cousin, ect. Have you ever had to gain the courage to so something BIG? I did once.... I was at Peir Park in Panama City and I was going to do The Sea Dragon (a big boat that rocks you back and forth) I was very nervous, I thought about it then I saw how much fun the people on there were having! So me and my aunt went and did it, I WANTED TO DO IT AGAIN! I had to gain the coarage to do something I have never done before! And now, I am ready for a ROLLAR COASTER!

This is the Sea Dragon

Hey everyone! It's me, Girly Girl! School is coming up and are you excited? I am not ready, are you? When you get your teacher, tell me and I will announce it, then we can see what teachers you and your friends have! Make shure to comment and have fun! See yah soon!

No matter were you are, you can be a Girly girl! Like the girls that live in China, Japan, Belize (we're I am now), any were in the world. You may dress different, but you still are a Girly girl! Oh, and a speacial thanks to Los Porticos Villas for letting us stay here in this amazing place! As you can see from the picture, Belize is a wonderful place to stay! It is very tropical and wonderful, YOU should visit Belize some time and discover it mystery's.
We all are different, we look different, sound different, like different things, and we all are a one of a kind. Do any of you have a twin sister or brother? Do you look exactly the same? Well, you aren't exactly the same, you are different in many different ways. He/or she might like rock and roll, you might like country music, that's different! You may wear glasses but they don't! So don't feel like you are all the same, you all are speacial in many different ways. And a very speacial thanks to all who have commented and who have looked at my site, I have gotten 100 views and 111 page views!!! Thanks you!!
Hey all you girls out there! I have a question, are you a Tom boy or a Girly girl? Tell the truth! I am kinda both, how about you? Comment your answer and tell me why you are a Tom boy Or a Girly girl. Thank you Emily Thompsan for making the first comment! Comment!!
Girly Girl because flashy earrings and flowy shirt. If you dress like this, you are a 100% Girly Girl!!
All you girls out there reading this know, to one, stand up for your self and two, love being you! You are unique; you are one of a kind. You should wake up every morning and be happy with yourself! You should not want to be someone else, be yourself, and be the person that you really are. Don't pretend to be the person that your not! Don't! Just be you, because being you are awesome. - Safia